Cookies Policy

About Cookies

Cookies are data pieces sent from the NFID ICC LIMITED website (referred to as "NFID", "we", "us", or "our") to your web browser, automatically stored on your device, and sent back to the server upon each site access. Most web browsers are configured to accept cookies by default. Cookies can be categorized as follows:

Classification of Cookies According to Storage Time

Session Cookies: These are not stored permanently and are deleted when the browser is closed. They transmit session identifiers for secure site exploration, ensuring user confidentiality.

Persistent Cookies: These remain on the device's hard disk until they expire or are manually deleted. They recognize visitors or users upon each site visit. Users can configure their browser to accept/reject cookies or display warnings for better control.

Classification of Cookies According to Functionality

Technical Cookies: These enable logins, media usage, and navigation language selection. Prior user consent isn't required. It includes cookies used for aggregated statistical analysis of site visits.

Non-Technical Cookies: Used for profiling and marketing, these require user's informed consent. They can be categorized based on their functions:

Analytics: Collect and analyse statistics on site visits, potentially used for user profiling.

Widgets: Graphic components enhancing user-program interaction.

Advertising: Used for site advertisements.

Web Beacons / Pixels: Code snippets transferring or collecting information.

Cookies Used on the NFID Site

Technical Cookies: (Requiring No Consent) These anonymous, aggregate cookies collect statistical data about site navigation for the Data Controller.

Analytics Cookies: These anonymously analyse site pages without storing personal data. A comprehensive list is available on the cookie settings page.

Marketing Cookies: With user consent, cookies track visitors across sites for relevant ads. Users can manage preferences at

Widgets: Personal data processing by social media platforms is outlined in their privacy policies.

Managing Cookies Through Browser Settings

Users can manage cookies through their browser settings. Deleting all cookies may remove Site preferences, so regular visits are recommended. For support, visit your browser's help page.

Note: This Cookie Policy may be subject to updates to ensure compliance with evolving laws. Users should periodically review this policy for any changes. For further assistance, contact us at

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